Hurts like a B**ch!

Over the years, I have discovered that my desire to improve myself in different areas of my life has been similar to a crazy rollercoaster ride; lots of ups, downs, and unpredictable turns, peaks and drops. 

Noticing that most of my friends and entourage calmly continue moving on with their lives, my life has resembled more of a gladiator movie than a walk in the park. 

My friends and entourage peacefully stroll down a path bordered by beautifully coloured flowers in an evergreen forest lit by the summer sun while the wind whispers through the trees. Yet here I am jumping in and out of raging battles, tackling lions, and picking fights with monstrous bloody grisly bears.  

And for what?! What’s in it for me? Do I get to be a better person? Maybe, but in whose eyes? From where does this burning desire to be a better Me stem? Does it serve me? Will it benefit me someday? Besides the makings of an interesting conversation at a New Year’s Eve party, I had yet to find peace in this so-called «honourable» walk of life. 

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one on this planet who wants more out of this life. I see so many people every day just being content with what the day brings. Well, that’s not me! Am I crazy or addicted to pain? Yes, pain! 

I have to be honest; I am not the one who hits his goal every time I set one up. Quite the opposite, I’ve missed more goals than I’ve reached. And it hurts like a B**ch! Putting yourself out there, setting up the framework, and miserably failing isn’t the best feeling out there. It shatters your belief system, creates low self-esteem, and lets in a lot of negative self-talk. So yeah, that’s a heck of a lot of pain!

So why do I get back up? Why do I keep searching for the next best Me? It then dawned on me. I finally understood why being better has always been so important. Why fighting with my disruptive behaviours, working at creating better relationships, and pursuing my wildest business ideas have always been part of my way of life. You see, I love to inspire and encourage people; this is MY PURPOSE. Being all that I can be is not just for the American army; it’s my life’s quest! Accepting and stepping into my so-called Greatness so others can be inspired/encouraged to do the same is where and how I find meaning for myself. This burning desire to be more, do more, and in turn, have more comes from WHO I AM, right down to my toes. Hey, I know there are probably hundreds of other rational explanations for my actions and thought processes. However, please note that this is the one I choose to keep 😊, the one that serves me the most.

So yes, more often than not, I feel like an outcast and a stranger to this world. However, if by being me, and taking life on as much as possible, I can inspire and encourage just one more human being to do the same, my pain will have been well worth it. 

Here’s to being all that you can be!

Authentically yours,

Robert Daigneault 

Find out what area of my life I am working on at this time! 

Send me an email with your questions, and I will gladly tell you all about it.
